IconoDiaspora Project

“Images, music and dance of the African diaspora in Brazil.“ Project “Organization of a database of images and texts on representations of Afro-Brazilian music and dance” CNPq (420106/2021-9) Project contemplated by the Universal CNPq public notice 2022 – Corpuslab Research Group Resources: R$ 56.200,00 ( bags, Material Permanente, costing) Team: Prof. Dr. Loque Arcanjo […]

FUNARTE awards Corpuslab student-researchers

Undergraduate students Emanuel Schuchter and Igor Tolentino, were awarded by FUNARTE through the workshop Strategies and ideas for teaching music with digital media: Elementary School I (https://abre.ai/clUx). Both students of the Music Degree course at the State University of Minas Gerais (UEMG), Belo Horizonte, and are guided by Prof. […]

H. Villa Lobos not Colón theater, Argentina 1940

At the time of the arrival of the conductor and composer Villa-Lobos in Argentina, local newspapers produced countless reports announcing the conductor's concert at the Colón theater. However,, an advertisement widely disseminated by Argentine periodicals draws our attention since this clipping, analyzed in an iconographic way and contextualized, synthesizes the political meanings of the Villa-Lobos concert […]