One of the great challenges of working on motion capture in culture is how to relate culture terminology in a motion capture dataset.
Biovision Hierarchy or BVH is a file format generated by motion capture instruments and, as strange as that name may seem, this technology is already part of our daily lives. The BVH makes it possible for, through 3D creation software, images are generated very close to reality, very popular feature in pop culture. Present in the creation of films, games, animations or even turning actors into dragons, it looks like magic but it's just technology.
The team formed by Thales Piassi and Emanuel Schuchter works on the development of tools for the study of movement based on these data. In a project financed by PAPq/UEMG (UEMG Institutional Research Support Program), the need for annotations in .BVH arose (file type generated by Mocap). Under the guidance of Professor Luiz Naveda, Fellows collaborated with the development of mocap file annotation software. In order to provide more detailed and more practical analyzes, the annotator makes it possible to select each point of the body in capture and make precise notes on the movement being studied, separating by points in the ‘skeleton’ capture and passing in each frame of the video.
Below is an example that can be used by the user., this page.