(see Collaborating Researchers below)

Prof. Dr. Loque Arcanjo

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Doctor and Master in Social History of Culture and specialist in the History of Culture and Arts at UFMG. Post doctorate from the School of UFMG Music Department of Music in the search line Music and Culture. Researcher linked to the Body Research Group, Music and Music School of Culture UEMG Group PAMVILLA Search – Analytical Perspectives for the music of Villa-Lobos ECA / USP.. Effective Professor of the Department of Music Theory at the University of Minas Gerais (UEMG) which carries out research in the areas of Music, Arts and History at the Research Center of the Music School, teaches the Art History courses, History of Brazilian Music and Anthropology Cultural.Coordena the project entitled Heitor Villa-Lobos in Hispanic America: study of the Brazilian composer work of internationalization from the Curt Lange (1930-1945)-FAPEMIG.

Prof. Dr. Luiz Naveda

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Luiz Naveda has a degree in Music (Bachelor of Guitar) the University of Minas Gerais (1995-1999), Master in Musical Performance by the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2000-2002), PhD in Art Sciences (Musicology, 2006-2011) and postdoctoral fellow at the University of Gent (2011). He also has technical training in Electronics (Coltec, 1991-1994). He has worked in the Arts and Culture area from a wide multidisciplinary spectrum as productions in musical performance, interactive and artistic installations, sound design, music, video and interaction for dance, artistic and advertising projects, papal architecture, carton and photography (see portfolio in http://naveda.info). Current scientific research fields orbit about the relationship between dance and music and include interactions with the fields of recovery of musical data (ME), motion analysis, dance analysis, interactive systems, musical computing, musical education, musical and psycho-acoustic acoustics and preservation of sound collections (see publications and projects in the areas). In recent years he has been dedicated to the study of musical gesture in the human movement, dance and music, using computation applied to musical audio and motion capture data. Has been dedicated to the analysis of musical-choreographic cultures as, for example, Afro-Brazilian Samba, in addition to improvisation in contemporary dance, favoring cross approaches between music and dance. Acts as an independent artist, composer, media and interactive systems designer and higher education teacher.. Since July 2013 holds the position of Professor of Musicology at the State University of Minas Gerais (UEMG) where he works in undergraduate programs, graduate and extension. Works at PPGARTES (http://ppgartes.uemg.br/) in the search line “Formation processes, mediation and reception.”.

prof. Dr. Marilia Nunes

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PhD in Neuroscience from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (FMG), MA in Developmental Psychology (FMG / 2010), Specialist Art Therapy Faculty Vicentina (FAVI), graduated in Music (Sweet flute) the University of Minas Gerais (UEMG/2005) and a degree in Psychology from UFMG (2007). It has experience in Psychology, with emphasis on Neuropsychology, Education and Psychology and Psychometrics, and Music area, with an emphasis on performance in baroque music (flute and singing). He worked as teacher designated Neuropsychology, Psychodiagnosis child and educational psychology in the course of Psychology, University of Minas Gerais (UEMG), campus Divinópolis, and teaching and recorder methodology in Degree courses, Bachelor and music to children at the Music School (AM) da UEMG. He is currently a tenured professor of ESMU / UEMG, teaching Psychology and Education, flute like instrument musicalizador, musical practice together and Practices in Research (TCC); and professor of the Graduate Program in Arts UEMG, teaching courses on the relationship between Art and Neurociências.Tem main area of ​​research Neuropsychology of Music, developing work on: musical cognitive processing; Amusias; Neuropsychological Assessment of musical skills; music processing in Williams syndrome; Music and relaxation; Relations between the numeric processing and musical; Modularity of the musical cognitive processing; music perception and learning disorders and; musical memory and emotions.

prof. Dr. Lucia Campos

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Master in Music from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2006), Master in Anthropology (2009) and Doctor of Music, History and Society (2016) pela School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences of Paris, France. Graduated in Letters (2001) is music (2008) from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. She is currently a professor at the School of Music at the State University of Minas Gerais., teaching subjects in the areas of Ethnomusicology and Music Education. Has experience in the areas of Social Sciences and Music (Anthropology of Music), working mainly on the following topics: ethnography of sound practices, afro-diasporic cultures, intangible cultural heritage, processes of circulation and transmission of sound culture in urban communities. It is an effective member of the Brazilian Association of Ethnomusicology and the Brazilian Association of Anthropology.