Luiz Naveda a BA in Music (UEMG, 1999), Master in Musical Performance (FMG, 2002), doctor and postdoctoral fellow in art from the University of Gent (2011). As a researcher has been devoted to the investigation of musical movement and choreographic, performance and computer music, computer art and paper structures design. It has dozens of award-winning publications and works in several areas. He has worked professionally as an independent artist and developer of musical applications and interactive multimedia (more information He holds the position of Professor of Musicology at the University of the State of Minas where it operates in degree programs and graduate and several coorderna projetos.É graduate program coordinator in Arts UEMG.
major publications
LEMAN, Marc; NAVEDA, Luiz. Basic Gestures as Spatiotemporal Reference Frames for Repetitive Dance/Music Patterns in Samba and Charleston. Music Perception, v. 28, n. 1, p. 71–91, 2010.
LEMAN, Marc; NAVEDA, Luiz. Spatial cognition of Samba and Charleston. Cognitive Processing, v. 10, p. S142–S142, 2009.
NAVEDA, Luiz. Gesture in Samba: A cross-modal analysis of dance and music from the Afro-Brazilian culture. 2011. PhD thesis – Ghent University, 2011.
NAVEDA, Luiz. Angels innovation and technologies in projects and practices of music education. Magazine ABEM, v. 1, n. 14, p. 65–74, 2006.
NAVEDA, Luiz et al. Microtiming patterns and interactions with musical properties in samba music. Journal of New Music Research, v. 40, n. 2, p. 223–236, 2011.
NAVEDA, Luiz. The timbre and volume Acoustic guitar: An acoustic approach and Psychoacoustics (translation: The timbre and the loudness of the classical guitar: a acoustic and psychoacoustic approach). 2002. Master Thesis – UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2002. Available in: < timbre and the loudness of the classical guitar an acoustic_naveda2000the-timbre-and-the-loudness000>.
NAVEDA, Luiz; LEMAN, Marc. A Cross-modal Heuristic for Periodic Pattern Analysis of Samba Music and Dance. Journal of New Music Research, v. 38, n. 3, p. 255–283, 2009.
NAVEDA, Luiz; LEMAN, Marc. Hypotheses on the choreographic roots of the musical meter: a case study on Afro-Brazilian dance and music. 2011, [S.l.]: SACCoM-Argentina Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, 2011.
NAVEDA, Luiz; LEMAN, Marc. Mapping idiomatic elements in the morphology of dance gestures: Meter, gender and cultural idiosyncrasies in the samba dance and music. In: Cipher, FAVIO et al. (Org.). . Proceedings of Eccom. Vol. 1 N1, "Our Body in Our Music. 11the Eccom ". Buenos Aires, Argentina: SACCoM, 2013. v. 1. . NAVEDA, Luiz; LEMAN, Marc. The spatiotemporal representation of dance and music gestures using Topological Gesture Analysis (TGA). Music Perception, v. 28, n. 1, p. 93–111, 2010.