The teacher Dr. Luiz Naveda, from Corpuslab / UEMG was awarded by Funarte Arte in Every Part for its workshop on curricula in Visual Arts: “Curriculum Organization and Digital Portfolio for Visual Artists“. The award signals the efforts of the research group and the researcher to promote a culture of research and data that expands the impact of art and research in art. The researcher is a Professor at the School of Music and the Postgraduate Program in Arts at UEMG.

The prize

The award is given to video workshops in various areas of artistic performance. The workshop methodology involves an easily accessible relational database, which is available in the cloud and can hold images, sons, videos, links, vouchers and information on the artist's trajectory and works.

Prof. Luiz Naveda

Basic data management concepts are introduced, description of production and professional performance based on a portfolio/curriculum model developed for the workshop (available online). These concepts help the artist to categorize his production and performance while the cloud tool promotes strategies to minimize the time spent on information management and maximize the ability to disseminate the artist's portfolio in different demands. The modules present a short conceptual discussion followed by practical examples in order to guide the artist in the development of a database, portfolio and digital curriculum containing artistic production, training and performance.

Monday to Funarte, the videos of the workshops will be made available to the public soon. Check out more at