Embedded iconography: a case study on methods for recovering the musical context in capoeira images

This article explores an interdisciplinary approach that integrates historiography, musicology, iconography and motion computing to investigate the interactions between music, body and visual representation. Introduces the concept of “embodied iconography”, which seeks to interpret historical images not only as visual documents, but as traces of the bodily and musical dynamics of the contexts in which they were created. […]

Come to Corpuslab! Master's and Doctorate selection notice 2024

The Postgraduate Program in Arts is one of the houses of Corpuslab. In this postgraduate program certified by CAPES we develop several of our research. Now in 2024 we opened a doctorate that will enhance our operations. Come work with us and apply for master’s and doctorate degrees! Registrations for 17/04 a 06/05 https://mestrados.uemg.br/noticias-ppgartes/4876-edital-n-02-2024-masters-and-doctorate-in-arts-regular-selection-2024 Prof. […]

IconoDiaspora Project

“Images, music and dance of the African diaspora in Brazil.“ Project “Organization of a database of images and texts on representations of Afro-Brazilian music and dance” CNPq (420106/2021-9) Project contemplated by the Universal CNPq public notice 2022 – Corpuslab Research Group Resources: R$ 56.200,00 ( bags, Material Permanente, costing) Team: Prof. Dr. Loque Arcanjo […]

How to disturb a musician's mind? Corpuslab teachers' article addresses the relationship between musicians and instruments.

Professors Luiz Naveda and Marília Nunes have just published an article in the Journal of New Music Research, one of the leading journals in the field of musicology: “Breaking down the musician’s minds: How small changes in the musical instrument can impair your musical performance.” (breaking musicians' minds: how small changes in the musical instrument can […]