Project database “Movement representation strategies in the context of safeguarding intangible heritage in music and dance events”

Financing: CNPq 437219/2018-6


Dr. Luiz Naveda

Ms. Marina Fares

Data base

This database was produced as part of the research project “Movement representation strategies in the context of safeguarding intangible heritage in music and dance events” (Financing: CNPq 437219/2018-6). An in-depth analysis of this data is available in the dissertation DANCE, CABOCLO, EVERYONE IN HIS PLACE! Study on body movements and the heritage of the Caboclinhos Dance – Peçanha/MG”

If you use this data for any study or publication, cite the dissertation, available in

Ferreira, Marina Fares. "DANCE, CABOCLO, EVERYONE IN HIS PLACE! Study on body movements and the heritage of the Caboclinhos Dance – Peçanha/MG (supervisor: Luiz Naveda).” Master Thesis, State University of Minas Gerais, 2021.

For a brief description of the base fields, see this link.